1 (586) 759-9100
Purpose of the Advisory Board: The Advisory Boards provide support and advocacy to cultivate broad-based community support for Crossroads rehabilitative missions by focusing on such areas as:
1: Job Development.
2. Internal Fundraising.
3. Advocacy.
4. Community participation.
5. Insuring fidelity to the Clubhouse Standards.
Advisory Board Members
Carole Bannister- Chairperson
Joan Flynn- Vice Chairperson
Paulette Verbit- Secretary
Nancy Mendenhall- Treasurer
Marlene Klann- Member
Mike Davis- Member
Donna Cangemi- Member
Purpose of the Friends of Crossroads 501 c 3 Board of Directors:
The purpose of “Friends” is to be a supportive entity for Crossroads Clubhouse. Crossroads Clubhouse is a Clubhouse International accredited psycho-social and vocational rehabilitation program supporting and promoting the human rights of disadvantaged citizens with mental illness to pursue opportunities in all aspects of recovery, including peer relationships, employment, education, decent and affordable housing, social and community inclusion through the fostering an individual’s full potential. “Friends” charge is to provide resources for education, social, shelter and transportation needs outside the Macomb County Community Mental Health operation fund budget.
Friends of Crossroads 501 c 3
Foundation Board of Directors
Patty Thaar- Tocco- President
Ray Jewhurst-Vice President
Brianna Jacob-Secretary
Beth Pyden-Treasurer
Angel Vice-Member-At-Large
Carole Bannister-Member